Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gottfried Helnwein part 2

I wouldn't say that this viewpoint changed my interpretation because I originally had thought it looked like a billboard and the reality is pretty close to my guess. There is a giant poster of young female taking up the whole side of a building. To me, the female has one of those faces where it is hard to observe if she is young or if she is older with the face of a young girl. I can't tell if the image is contiguous or not. I think this is in an industrial location. You can see a vehicle in front of it so I would assume people are permitted to drive in that area, in addition to how large it is I think everyone will see *the it. I can't really distinguish the emotion of the girl in the image. If I'm being honest, I don't see the point to this piece thus, making it more difficult for me to answer some of these questions.

*- "Given the image's location, who do you think will see the it?" ;)

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