Monday, November 16, 2015

Conceptual Photography

1a) I think this is a great photo with good focus and composition.
1b) This photo is focused and the exposure is used to make the picture look dark.
1c) I think the lighting and the focus is appropriate for this image.
1d)This photograph is in focus and the top half of the photo is darker than the bottom half.
1e) It is hard to tell whether the photo is in focus or not because the subject is so far away.
2) All of the photos I have chosen have parts with dark lighting.
3) With the exception of one, all of these photos seem to have a negative mood to me.
4b) The photo shows what I presume is a male rolling some dice. I took a darker approach while observing this photo and came to the conclusion that this man has some sort of problem with gambling and is trying to win back his debt.
4d) I think the story in this photograph is of two little girls who may not live in an ideal place but are having fun doing the best that they can.

Photo a

Photo b

Photo c

Photo d

Photo e


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