Friday, October 23, 2015

The Photographic Critique
1) My first impression upon seeing this photo was that I felt like that shark and I would be friends if I were a shark.
2) This photo was taken by David Jenkins in Seal Island, South Africa on July 26, 2013. Jenkins wanted to photograph the interaction between the great white sharks and their prey.
3) The tremendous great white shark is making a great splash in the center of the photo and to the left of it you can see a brown seal making its way back into the water.
4) I'm a big fan of the shark. It is unfortunate that the water being splashed around by the shark is blocking a clearer view of the sharks bottom half.
5) a) The main subject and forefront of the photo are in focus.
    b) There isn't any unwanted dust or glare in the photo.
    c)  I see no problems with the colors in the photo.
    d) The lighting in this photo comes from the right and shines right on the underside of the shark.
    e) This photo seems to be taken with a higher exposure.
    f) I would say normal contrast.
6) A) There isn't a specific emotion that I feel when I look at this photo.
    B)  If I'm being honest, the major reason I chose this photo was because the shark caught my                     attention.
1) My first impression when I saw this photo was, "PUPPIES!"
2) This was taken by Julie McGuire in Teluk Bahang, Penang, Malaysia.
4) I like all of the dogs in the photo.
5) a) The photo looks to be in good focus.
    b) I believe that the dust, if any, captured in the photo was on purpose.
    c) The color looks fine.
    d) The lighting seems to be coming from the middle of the photo.
    e) Medium exposure.
    f) Low contrast.
6) A) I feel joy because of all of the dogs in the photo.
    B) I like this photo because of all the dogs that are gathered together.

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